10 WWE Signature Moves You Need To See

4. Cesaro - Uppercut

The European Uppercut is a move that could only really exist thanks to wrestling. While it€™s not enforced anywhere near as strongly now, closed fist punches are illegal in wrestling, so to get around this wrestlers in Europe created an uppercut with their bicep for those closed quarter situations where the best course of action is to just hit the guy. While there have been many masters of the European Uppercut, both William Regal and Fit Finlay included, no-one can quite hit one quite like Cesaro. The sheer force Cesaro puts behind each shot and the speed in which he can deliver them make him a formidable opponent. Before he was in WWE, he was even a part of Team Uppercut along with Daniel Bryan and Dave Taylor, and they competed in CHIKARA€™s King of Trios. Cesaro is so good at delivering European Uppercuts that he innovated his own version of it. The Swiss Death, often referred to as the €œVery European Uppercut€ is one of the most remarkable sights in WWE. Cesaro with his unrivaled strength will launch his opponent high up into the air, whether it€™s Sami Zayn or Ryback, and as they fall, he€™ll hit them with the most devastating uppercut in the business. It€™s so cool that they even added the €œlaunch€ ability in WWE 2K14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvkRuUwNrMk

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