10 WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember
7. The New Brood
Everyone knows The Brood. Gangrel, Christian, and Edge’s vampire gimmick would never work in today’s WWE, but it was a perfect fit during the Attitude Era, and while The Brood were never a main event threat, they remain one of the period’s most memorable stables. Oh yeah, they also had one of the most memorable ring entrances in WWE history, which certainly doesn’t do them any harm.
Few ever mention “The New Brood,” however. The original group disbanded as Edge & Christian’s tag team career started taking flight, and Gangrel turned on Edge during an episode of Sunday Night Heat. Gangrel tried to convince Christian to follow him, but Christian was too committed to his tag partner, and Gangrel looked elsewhere: The Hardy Boyz.
Their blink-and-you’ll-miss-it assocation started and ended during a series of matches against Edge and Christian. Dubbed the “Terri Invitational Tournament,” the Hardyz’ victory saw them win Terri Runnels’ managerial services, and they called a truce with E&C shortly after winning. This led to the four of them attacking Gangrel, effectively ending the new partnership, and leaving WWE’s one true vampire all on his lonesome, poor guy...