10 WWE Stars And Their New Japan Equivalents

3. Roman Reigns And Tetsuya Naito

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Up until recently, the parallels between Roman Reigns and Tetsuya Naito were almost eerie.

Both men were talented stars earmarked for huge pushes, but weren't seen by fans as on the level of the existing main-event stars. Both had their pushes derailed by injury, but came back to find their spots safe and sound, starting the real backlash. Both won matches to claim title shots at the biggest events of the year. Both were so unpopular that the company couldn't afford to put the belts on them.

After that, their paths diverge. WWE kept pushing Reigns, eventually giving him his win at WrestleMania 32. Fans still hated him, though, and as a result, an otherwise fresh product feels like it's completely broken. Reigns is in the midst of a 30-day suspension for violating WWE's Wellness Policy, but rumours indicate that when he returns, more of the same is on tap.

Naito, meanwhile, turned heel and reinvented himself in the process. After years of being rejected by the fans, he rejected them, taking on a blasé attitude toward in-ring competition, and cheating and bullying his way to the top with the help of Los Ingobernables.

He's become New Japan's breakout star over the past year, with his group supplanting Bullet Club as the coolest stable in the country. Now, fans love Naito, but he doesn't care - he's going to keep serving himself.

Take notice, WWE.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013