10 WWE Stars Lost To The Sands Of Time

5. Just Joe

More commonly known as Joe E. Legend, 'Just Joe' was a weird little character that only appeared briefly in the Summer of 2000. The original premise for Dolph Ziggler was that he went around introducing himself to other wrestlers, and that was pretty much all creative had for Joe back in 2000 too. There were other nuances, such as trying to be a troublemaker, but fans didn't know what to make of the gimmick. According to Legend, there was much more planned at first. Just Joe was supposed to be a nefarious individual who would act as a messenger and informant for headliners, who would pay him to find out information about their rivals. That's an interesting concept, but things didn't get that far before the man was released in 2001. Later runs in TNA and Japan were similarly short, but he has earned a living from training seminars and independent bookings. It's not uncommon to see the words, 'Joe E. Legend, Former WWE Superstar' appear on posters for small shows in the US and in Europe. That may be stretching the truth a little, because not many people seem to remember Just Joe.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.