10 WWE Stars I Would Have Made World Champion

8. Lex Luger (1993­-1995)

WWE.comWWE.comInterestingly, in 1993, Lex Luger jumped WCW€™s ship and headed towards Vince McMahon€™s World Bodybuilding Federation; remember that little piece of history? Then unfortunately for Lugar, he suffered a bad motorcycle accident, and by the time he was healthy enough to return back to work­­­, the WBF was already out of business. So, with no other options he pulled up his trunks, and became a WWF €œSuperstar€ on the roster. With the departure of Hulk Hogan in 1993, Luger was handed the moniker­­ €œMade in the USA€, given a monster push, and as the new jewel of the company was flown by helicopter to the USS Intrepid where he body-slammed 600 pound Yokozuna on the deck. That would be shortly followed by putting Lex in a bus, fittingly named the Lex Express, which travelled around the country promoting his upcoming World Title match against Yokozuna at SummerSlam 93€™. At this point, there was no doubt that Lex was being groomed to be the next Hogan, however, to the shock of the entire world­­­, Luger beat Yokozune­­­ via count-out at Summer Slam, winning the match­­­ but not the coveted WWF title. In the collected words of everyone watching... huh? To this day, I have no idea why all that built up hoopla went down with a single whimper. You would think that Vince may have decided at the last minute not to put the title on a WCW guy­­­, but that can€™t be assumed. Next time I cross paths with Lex, I€™ll have to ask him that question myself.

Former head of creative for the WWF and WCW during the most crucial period in wrestling industry history. Currently working on pyroandballyhoo.com, writing weekly slideshows exclusively for WhatCulture.com.