10 WWE Stars Who Have Major Heat With CM Punk

6. Stephanie McMahon

Bryan Alvarez said on the Wrestling Observer radio show earlier this year that Stephanie McMahon 'absolutely hates' Punk. While the source of the heat is not entirely certain, the fact that Stephanie is Vince's daughter and Triple H's husband is probably a big part of the reason. It seems that nobody in the McMahon family is a punk fan. Stephanie ad-libbed a line in a promo from Raw in Punk's home town of Chicago earlier this year when the fans were chanting for Punk. Stephanie responded by saying that the fans were chanting for a quitter. While Stephanie did say 'never say never' in regards to a Punk return in September, she will probably be saying 'never' after the Cabana podcast.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...