10 WWE Stars Who Have Major Heat With CM Punk

3. The Undertaker

The man that Punk stole the show with at WrestleMania XXIX, The Undertaker, has not always gotten along with 'The Straight Edge Superstar'. The issues started in 2009 when Undertaker, who really was/is the leader of the locker room, called Punk out for how he was dressing while on the road and making public appearances. 'Taker felt that Punk, who was champion at the time, should be trying harder and dressing nicer to represent WWE in the best possible light. Punk responded to this quite reasonable request by saying 'well, what about John Cena?'. This exchange got back to WWE management who took it to mean that Punk thought he was as big a star as Cena and that he had disrespected Undertaker. Punk lost the title to 'Taker soon after and then began feuding with referee Scott Armstrong and working in the opening match. Punk was also not entirely pleased that he had to lose to The Undertake at 'Mania since he Punk would still be working a full schedule while Undertaker would go home. It's unlikely that Undertaker, one of the most respected men in WWE history, was pleased with Punk's attitude and refusal to accept his advice.
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CM Punk
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...