10 WWE Stars Of The '90s Who Wouldn't Work Today

8. The Acolytes

Godfather Ho

Tag teams that actually feel like genuine teams instead of a pair of flailing singles wrestlers thrown together on a whim are, of course, always welcome in today's WWE.

But all of them - from American Alpha to The Authors of Pain - have something in common: they're great in the ring, with the ability to put on matches that easily rival those at the top of the card.

Neither Farooq nor Bradshaw were slouches - both of them, in fact, wore world title gold at various points of their careers - but, with a slow and (in JBL's case) stiff style, they very seldom set the squared circle on fire.

The 'Wrestling God' may indeed have taken his seat at the commentary table sooner if he debuted today (which would spare us all a painful one-year title reign).
