10 WWE Stars Released In 2019

9. Hideo Itami (KENTA)

Hideo Itami

Signed: June 2014.

Left: February 2019.

During his five-year stay in WWE, former NOAH standout KENTA never reached his full potential. Injuries plagued him, and so did the promotion's inability to book him to his strengths. NXT seemed like a perfect platform for the stiff striker, but things wouldn't ever really work out before he was released on 22 February.

It says everything that one of his greatest achievements as Hideo Itami was winning a qualification tourney for WrestleMania 31's André The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Good times were scarce for KENTA in WWE, and he'll be happier now he's back in Japan (with NJPW instead of NOAH) as part of the Bullet Club and currently enjoying a reign as NEVER Openweight Champion.

Leaving WWE was the best call for everyone.

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Luke Harper
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