10 WWE Stars TNA Should Totally POACH For NXT Crossover

3. Tegan Nox

R-Truth The Miz Awesome Truth

Speaking of someone who hasn't been up to much and could use a shot of adrenaline, Tegan Nox is going on a whopping seven years in WWE without being able to gain any real traction.

Nox's run has been snakebit from the start, with injury problems and minimal creative often forcing the Welsh star back to square one. Even after the 2024 WWE Draft, there's been no indication anything is about to change for Tegan, so why not change up the formula and allow her to wrestle for TNA? It's not as if WWE would be losing anything form their own programming, as she barely appears on TV, and when she does, it's usually in a losing capacity.

Tegan Nox is better than this and is currently being wasted. For her benefit, as well as her fans, she should be allowed to flourish. And if WWE isn't giving Nox the opportunity to soar, she should look to fly somewhere else. In fact, the Girl with the Shiniest Wizard is someone who might even be better outright leaving WWE and joining TNA full-time, rather than just making some guest appearances.


Founder of pro wrestling site Smark Out Moment (https://www.smarkoutmoment.com) and geek culture site Fanboys Anonymous (https://www.fanboysanonymous.com).