10 WWE Stars Triple H Will NEVER Use Properly

2. Omos

Viking Raiders

Vince McMahon surely grinned from ear-to-ear when he first clapped eyes on the towering Omos. A physically-impressive monster like that was always McMahon's thing, but Triple H (as aforementioned) will have his own likes and dislikes when it comes to booking. Maybe Omos isn't his kind of worker.

Things could be as simple as that.

It'd certainly explain why the giant went from being pushed like an unstoppable force to losing a few matches then dropping off the face off the earth suddenly. WWE has barely used Omos at all since WrestleMania 39, and that could be a Hunter call. Yep, it's almost guaranteed to be a Hunter call.

He's head of creative, after all. Squash match pushes will only take someone so far, so Trips might well be bored of the Omos experiment and see WWE's previous obsession with giants as just another trope that must be binned in the modern era.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.