10 WWE Stars Who Were Unrecognizable From Their Early Days

6. Billy Gunn - Rockabilly - "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn (Mr. Ass) - The One - Billy & Chuck

This is a long one because Billy Gunn went through so many transformations in his career. He started out in 1993 as part of the babyface Smoking Gunns tag team with Bart Gunn, who wasn't really his brother although that's what they were billed as. They were three time tag champs and teamed together until 1996. When he became a singles wrestler he struggled. The "Rockabilly" gimmick saw Gunn portrayed as somebody that the Honky Tonk Man was supposed to groom to be a star. It failed miserably. Gunn ended up teaming with Jesse James, who became the Road Dogg. Gunn earned the moniker "Bad Ass" Billy Gunny as part of the New Age Outlaws tag team, which is one of the best tag teams in WWE history as part of Degeneration X. It was even changed to Mr. Ass at various points in his career too. The DX group was very successful, but once it ended he was christened with another new gimmick. This time he became "The One" Billy Gunn. There really wasn't anything to the gimmick. He looked like any generic wrestler that was out there except his nickname rhymed with his last name. It really wasn't that creative at all. Billy & Chuck were a tag team that pushed the idea that they were a gay duo from the time they started teaming up in 2001 for about a year. They had a much publicized "wedding" on Smackdown until they informed us that they were just friends. It was a controversial angle in some ways, but it was entertaining too. Eventually he found his way back to his regular Billy Gunn character. Gunn's look changed a lot over the years from starting out as a cowboy to a degenerate and a part of a team with Chuck. Some things worked well for him. Others did not.
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.