10 WWE Stars Who Are Ripped To Shreds Right Now

2. Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal

You knew this one was coming, right? The most ripped in WWE can't be discussed without mentioning one Jinder Mahal. In less than one full year, he's gone from a jobber on Raw to WWE Champion on SmackDown due to an intense physical transformation. That body is responsible for the push, no doubt.

That's not to say Mahal doesn't deserve his success. In interviews, Jinder has been very candid about drinking daily, slacking on workouts, and considering life away from the wrestling business as recently as 2014. Coming back from that personal depression cannot have been easy, but Mahal roared back, got himself in shape and lived his dreams.

Completely inspiring, his radical physical change has turned a career going nowhere into a WWE success story. Besides, just take a gander at the definition on his body now. From shoulders and arms to stomach and legs, Mahal is quite the specimen.

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Jinder Mahal
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.