10 WWE Stars Who Are Ripped To Shreds Right Now

2. King Barrett

Some may be surprised at Barrett€™s high placement on this list, but since the most recent of his many returns, Barrett has been in absolutely phenomenal shape. He always had vertical size on his side, but now he€™s got the ripped abs and additional mass in his chest to add to that 6€™ 7€ frame. Unlike others though, Barrett doesn€™t cite additional gym work as the foundation of his new look. Instead, it€™s all about diet. In an interview with WWE.com, he says €œMy diet is very good. I don€™t eat junk food anymore. I stopped drinking alcohol, which probably was the biggest change. I used to be a very big beer drinker. Being from England, that€™s a very common thing. I haven€™t drunk alcohol in about five months, cut out the junk food and eat a lot more salads.€ For a pro wrestler to be confessing that he no longer drinks alcohol is quite the departure from the industry€™s days of old, but if you take a look at Barrett today, it may make you wonder why many more before him didn€™t make the change as well.
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King Barrett
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