JBL is often quick to remind us that if you were to design a sports entertainer from the ground up, it would look exactly like Randy Orton. Far from being a simple catchphrase though, JBL isnt far wrong with that comment. Billed at 6 5 and 250 pounds, Orton is both tall and muscular yet lean at the same time. He achieves that look through a very diverse workout that he switches up every three weeks to prevent the muscles from plateauing. Oh, and hes also got pretty great genetics, which helps. He hasnt always looked like he does now, though. When he originally debuted he had a slightly more bloated appearance than he does today. And he may not be quite as ripped as he was in 2011, say, when he was championing the SmackDown brand, but nonetheless hes certainly worthy of a place in the top ten.