10 WWE Stars Who Escaped Vince McMahon's Doghouse

9. Matt Hardy

Triple H SummerSlam 1997

Everyone is tired of raking up the infamous Edge/Lita/Matt Hardy real-life drama, and all three have thankfully moved on and attained their own personal happiness. But at the time, Hardy’s Heartbreak Hotel was the McMahon Doghouse.

After finding out about the infidelity, Matt took to the internet to vent his angst, losing his job in the process. Fan pressure forced the company to re-hire the scorned superstar, bringing the trio’s personal turmoil to the screen. Matt was merely allowed to poke his head out of the kennel of booking hell. The feud was intensely personal, and often uncomfortable, with Hardy repeatedly humiliated in the ring.

Following the feud, Hardy was a solid mid-carder, until he was sent home from a European tour and used his YouTube channel to disparage the WWE. He was released on 15 October 2010.

Hardy’s 2017 return to WWE was likely helped by his TNA/Impact success and his revered Broken Universe gimmick. Hardy and his innovation didn’t quite click in WWE. He quickly bailed to AEW where he has been allowed to flourish. Upon leaving, Matt hinted at his issues with McMahon saying:

“I feel like if Triple H would have been the guy that was solely in power, I would have probably had a much better opportunity of kind of getting to do what I wanted creatively, but it is what it is.”

An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.