10 WWE Stars Who MUST Be Thinking About Jumping Ship To AEW

3. Ricochet

Ricochet AEW

WWE has seen high-flyers before, but they've never seen anyone who can zip about the ring with the speed and height of Ricochet. His over-the-top in-ring work isn't everyone's cup of tea, but he's a once in a lifetime talent, and WWE must have known what they were getting when they signed him, so how have they failed to capitalise?

The former Prince Puma (Lucha Underground) has been in creative limbo ever since his main roster debut. While he managed to gain a United States Championship run, it didn't even exceed 25 days, which acts as a perfect example of the poor booking he has received.

His astounding wrestling ability and unique presentation seemed like a sure-fire way to attain success, but like many other stars, he's ended up falling short of what fans wanted for him.

There's no doubt that he must be weighing up his options right now, and AEW has to be a part of that. They've already made it clear that his wrestling style is something they want to showcase so jumping ship to AEW would definitely be a worthwhile decision for him.

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