10 WWE Stars Who Must Win At WrestleMania 31

2. Bray Wyatt

The entire Undertaker situation is a hotly-debated topic. There are some fans who don€™t think he should be wrestling this year, while others think he should€™ve retired years ago. However, the truth is that the Undertaker is going to face Bray Wyatt at this year€™s event, which leads to yet another debatable topic: who should win that contest? If Wyatt wins, then the Undertaker will have lost at two straight Mania events. If this happens, many fans might come to see that the mystique around the Undertaker is completely gone, and that he€™s just a normal man who needs to retire. Considering how important €˜Taker has been to WWE history, many fans simply cannot accept this. On the other hand, if the Undertaker wins, Bray will also have lost at two consecutive WrestleManias, which would seriously damage his momentum and hinder his chances of truly becoming a top WWE Superstar. Wyatt lost a lot of momentum after last year€™s event, and a win over the biggest legend ever would be historical in itself, and Bray would have the launching pad he needs to reach the main event level. As a result, Wyatt should win this match. WWE need to look towards the future, instead of on the past. Undertaker€™s loss at last year€™s event was symbolic of that transition: he€™s no longer a central focus of the company, and has given back to the company and to the fans many times over. Undertaker doesn€™t need momentum going into his match with Sting next year; that€™ll be big enough as it is. Bray Wyatt, however, who€™s likely to be a fixture on WWE programming for years to come, needs to be the winner in this encounter if he has any chance of becoming a main-eventer.

Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.