10 WWE Stars Who Pretty Much Asked To Be Fired

7. The Iron Sheik (And Jim Duggan)

The Iron Sheik

Wrestling has changed.

Nowadays, heels and babyfaces ride together all the time and nobody gives a toss. Why would they? These are men and women playing fictional parts in a worked business. Things were a little different back in the late-1980s, even amidst the WWF's national expansion and cartoon-ish rebrand of wrasslin's old traditions.

Vince McMahon had to make an example of somebody when The Iron Sheik and Jim Duggan were arrested in May 1987 on a DUI charge and for being off their t*ts on cocaine and marijuana respectively. Worse, both men were feuding with one another on television when police pulled them over, and that was simply unacceptable.

Sheik was released and never recaptured his former glories when he did return, and Duggan was briefly punished before plodding on like nothing had happened. A few years later, nobody gave a crap about two wrestlers travelling together on the road, but the drug charges probably did nothing for the WWF's family friendly image.

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Xavier Woods
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.