10 WWE Stars Who Will Leave In 2021

5. Cesaro

Shinsuke Cesaro Aew

Cesaro is 40 years old, has been with WWE for nine years and still pops up on those 'Future World Champion' wishlists online. People need to face the music here; that's never going to happen now. The best Cesaro can hope for in WWE is a money-spinning title feud that ultimately results in failure.

He has stopgap WWE or Universal Title challenger written all over him.

That's not a knock on the Swiss star personally - it's just the way it is. Vince McMahon and pals blatantly don't see him how many wrestling fans do, and that's unlikely to change in 2021. So, if he's feeling a tad adventurous, Cesaro might elect to explore untapped potential outside the company's restrictive walls.

It'd feel good for Cesaro if he jumped to AEW and immediately started vying for the top prizes. Or, maybe he'd prefer to become king of the mountain in Impact, or return to Ring Of Honor as a crafty veteran who's better than ever.

Or, y'know, he could stay where he is and continue reaching for that elusive "brass ring".


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.