10 WWE Stars Who Will Leave Soon

6. Emma

Emma is one of the few call-ups from developmental from the past few years that WWE really dropped the ball with. This is a girl with charisma and a clear desire to do well in this business, but she was relegated to a comedy sidekick role before being used as sparingly as Zack Ryder. Her recent arrest seemed to be a misunderstanding, but it almost feels like WWE has been punishing her anyway. Top that off with the fact that she was paired with a wrestler who recently had to hang up his boots and you have someone who was left on the sidelines. Emma got over big in developmental with her quirky personality and strange dance moves, but her charm did not seem to work for a larger audience. The failure to push Emma falls solely on the creative team and those in charge of booking. Unfortunately for the young Australian, she could end up being a casualty of cost-cutting.
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I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.