10 WWE Stars Whose Stock Has Fallen The Most Since SummerSlam 2016

9. Apollo Crews

apollo crews titus

Apollo Crews is talented. No, seriously, he is. OK, so Crews might not have bags of character, but he can fly around the ring superbly for such a well-muscled guy and his work as Uhaa Nation on the indies pre-WWE proved he has some personality. Apollo just hasn't been allowed to show that on Raw or SmackDown.

Remember the mini-push (if you can call it that) WWE gave him in time for SummerSlam 2016? That feels like a lifetime ago. Last year's Intercontinental Title match berth was Apollo's biggest in the company to date, and it doesn't look likely he'll have much success in the future. Crews has been reduced to bit-part status.

It's scary that a six-minute job to The Miz last year looks positive next to Apollo's association with Titus O'Neil on Raw. Crews needs something akin to the Neville treatment before he's lost forever in a sea of mediocrity and typecast as a loser. Sort it out, WWE creative team, before it's too late.

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