10 WWE Stars With The Most Tag Team Championship Partners Ever

Somewhat shockingly, Big Show doesn't quite make the list...

Edge Chris Jericho Tag Team Champions

Partnerships don't really last in the crazy world of professional wrestling. As soon as a tag team sees some sort of success, fantasy bookers the world over start plotting ways that their partnership will end, who will turn heel/face and who will end up being the 'Marty Jannetty' of the duo. Even folk who complain about tag team wrestling being devalued tend to do this.

After looking at the history of professional wrestling you'd have to concede there is a point to it. When you are working so close to another individual in such a hyper-competitive and violent environment, tempers are always going to flare and, as a result, teams split up almost constantly.

Strength in numbers is a legitimate thing, however, so it isn't long before new alliances spring up. This happens to certain individuals more than others, yet these same people seem to have a decent amount of success along the way. Men like Chris Jericho and Kane have had a conveyor belt of tag partners, and seemingly won gold with them all.

Here are the 10 WWE superstars who won tag team gold with the most partners, so expect a load of main event-level performers. One side note, four other men won tag gold with four different partners but haven't made this list because of interest. Those men are Big Show, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker and Tony Garea. Yes, Big Show doesn't make this list.

Onwards to the list!

10. Shawn Michaels - 4

Edge Chris Jericho Tag Team Champions

Shawn Michaels did it all in World Wrestling Entertainment. Okay, not literally everything, but he did more than the vast majority of individuals to ever grace the most commercialised of squared circles. Hidden amongst his singles championship reigns and other accolades, we find five tag team title reigns, with fifteen whole years separating the first and last.

Michaels won tag gold with a list of his greatest rivals. First up was the Two Dudes With Attitude team with Diesel, a true stinker of a duo that did nothing other than hurt the already damaged tag division. Up next was a good old-fashioned 'enemies team up' story with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The second phase of his career saw HBK win tag gold alongside John Cena, meaning their WrestleMania 23 main event was the only one in history that saw the tag team champions go up against each other. Finally, Michaels won tag gold with D-Generation X chum Triple H in 2009.

Interestingly enough, Michaels never won tag gold with his most famous partner, poor ol' Marty Jannetty. The Rockers did, but due to the top rope snapping in their win over The Hart Foundation, the match never aired and their win was never officially recognised.


Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.