10 WWE Stipulations That Only Had One Good Match

4. Lion's Den (Matt Riddle Vs. Timothy Thatcher - 27 May 2020 NXT)

Matt Riddle Timothy Thatcher NXT Fight Pit

This might be another controversial pick because WWE promoted Matt Riddle vs. Timothy Thatcher as taking place inside NXT's 'Fight Pit' on the 27 May 2020 episode. Fancy new name or not however, it was effectively Ken Shamrock's old 'Lion's Den' with a twist, and it should be judged against those UFC-inspired gimmick matches.

Y'know, the same way one might compare apple pie to fruit with a big old worm in it.

Despite boasting Shamrock's real-fight credibility, his 'Lion's Den' scuffles with Owen Hart and Steve Blackman at SummerSlams 1998 and 1999 weren't that good. Both failed to incorporate enough drama or pro wrestling histrionics to make them worthwhile, and that's why Riddle vs. Thatcher was streets ahead.

Kurt Angle's presence as special guest referee was a masterstroke in booking, and the ferocity of strikes and submissions on offer was complemented by some big bumps and blood. This was what Shamrock's speciality fights needed to be 20+ years ago.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.