10 WWE Superstars Who Could Debut (Or Return) The Night After WrestleMania 35

8. Jason Jordan

jason jordan glasgow

Last Time We Saw Them: Way, way back in ye olden times. Well, sort of. Jordan was last seen on the 5 February 2018 Raw being sent home by kayfabe daddy Kurt Angle and has since been working on the creative team. That feels like a lifetime ago now, and it's unclear if WWE would continue the Jordan and Angle dynamic upon his return.

Why They'd Return: There's so much untapped potential there. Jordan has raw athletic ability, and he has more personality than his naff "I love you, pop" dirge with Kurt suggested. Given the right spot, or the right partner, he could finally become the star WWE wanted him to be a few years ago.

The only issue is his health. Jordan's neck problems are severe, and his employers might be hesitant to put him right back in the firing line. One idea might be to make him an on air authority figure for the time being, if only to ease Jordan back into fan consciousness.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.