10 WWE Superstars Who Could Debut (Or Return) The Night After WrestleMania 37

7. Eva Marie

Ronda Rousey

Last Time We Saw Them: When the brands were finally split once again in July 2016, Eva Marie found herself taking up a spot on the SmackDown Live roster. Establishing herself as one of the main heel's in the show's Women's Division, Marie would often spend more time getting to the ring than she would actually throwing down with her colleagues. She would be suspended shortly after, however, due to a wellness policy violation and ultimately leave the company in August 2017.

Why They'd Return: Just a few months ago, it looked as though Marie's return to the company was imminent. Yet, we're still to see the star known in WWE for her wardrobe malfunctions and evasion tactics make an appearance on Raw, SmackDown or NXT.

The star was recently pictured enjoying the Royal Rumble alongside recent WWE signing Parker Boudreaux, with the two both hinting at a partnership going forward. However, the chances of her turning up alongside the newcomer in NXT seem slim, with the actor/fitness ambassador more likely to turn up on Raw or SmackDown post-Mania in an attempt to add some extra star power to either show.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...