10 WWE Superstars Who Could Debut (Or Return) The Night After WrestleMania 37

5. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Ronda Rousey

Last Time We Saw Them: It's been a staggering ten years since we last saw the son of The British Bulldog ply his trade in a WWE ring, with Davey Boy Smith Jr. last being spotted losing to Zack Ryder on an episode of Superstars in 2011.

Since then, the former Hart Dynasty member has gone on to forge an impressive career for himself on the independent scene and in other promotions around the world. Successful spells in NJPW and MLW highlighted just how far the star has come in his time away from WWE. Smith Jr. even locked horns with former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley at the most recent Bloodsport event too.

Why They'd Return: If rumours are to be believed, Smith Jr. has already held serious talks with WWE about a return in the very near future. The star is also set to induct his father into the WWE Hall of Fame in just a few weeks' time, so perhaps he'll be sticking around for a while longer afterwards. Though a run on NXT UK has been hinted at, it definitely makes more sense to simply throw this familiar face back into the main roster mix as a welcome surprise post-'Mania 37.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...