10 WWE Superstars Who Could Debut (Or Return) The Night After WrestleMania 37

3. CM Punk

Ronda Rousey

Last Time We Saw Them: In terms of actively performing inside of a wrasslin' ring, it's been a whopping seven years since 'The Voice of the Voiceless' last took any sort of bump in a WWE arena. In the years since walking out on the company post-2014 Royal Rumble, CM Punk has amassed a disappointing 0-2 MMA record whilst fighting in the UFC, and has also tried his hand at acting, commentating, and comic book writing. He'd then make something of a WWE return in 2019, showing up on WWE Backstage as a regular analyst under FOX contract.

Why They'd Return: MONEY! And lot's of it.

Perhaps there's a little more to it than that. Punk himself has admitted that it would take the "stupidest amount of money" to lure him back into a ring, but also stressed that he'd need a "story that would be fun to tell." If WWE were seriously interested in bringing back the former WWE Champion on the post-Mania Raw or SmackDown, the first condition likely wouldn't be much of a problem. It remains to be seen whether the company has a story up their sleeves tantalising enough to force the Chicago native to strut back out to 'Cult of Personality', though.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...