10 WWE Superstars Who Could Win Money In The Bank 2024

5. LA Knight

CM Punk money in the bank

Age is never a factor when it comes to succeeding in professional wrestling. Legendary wrestlers like Buddy Rogers, Diamond Dallas Page, Andre The Giant, and Mark Henry won their first world titles in their 40s, and LA Knight can add his name to this illustrious list if he succeeds in his quest to win a world title in WWE.

After surviving the whole Max Dupri debacle, LA Kight went through a sudden rise in popularity in WWE, which led to him getting a significant push. He's been in the business for over two decades and is known for his showmanship; adding that with his popularity, Knight has the entire fanbase in the palm of his hands, which makes him a perfect fit to become a babyface world champion.

He came close to winning the 2023 men's MITB ladder match and had multiple failed opportunities at the WWE Championship. However, he's still one of the hottest babyfaces on the WWE roster, and once the Draft is all said and done, WWE should look to put some gold around his waist, and winning this year's men's MITB ladder could be the best way to start.

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A hardcore pro-wrestling fan since childhood, and loves to write about his passion. Nuff said.