10 WWE Superstars Who Found Religion

9. Kurt Angle

What, the clean-cut (ha!), all-American wrestlers is a Christian? How shocking, you say. Yes, Kurt Angle is a Christian, as anyone who follows him on Twitter and Facebook will attest to. Angle routinely turns to social media to preach the word of GOD (in all caps). For example, here is a portion of a Facebook post from August 30th, 2014:
Miracles are GOD's work through us. When We do a good deed, even something so small, it's an act of GOD. We can make a difference in others' lives by the Good things We do. GOD works through us. Sometimes We sit and wait for miracles to occur. Did You ever think that GOD created You to lay miracles upon others?
And so on and so on. They're all pretty much among the same theme (GOD is good, believe in GOD etc.). Angle also takes umbrage with anyone who says something against GOD or one of his servants, as former WWE star CM Punk knows. Angle and Punk have had a few Twitter run-ins in the past but their one in February 2013 was the most bizarre. After CM Punk called the Pope a Nazi in a tweet Angle responded by tweeting 'Cm Punk Should thank GOD that the Pope is a forgiving Man. Because Even the Pope Could Whip Punk's skinny ass'. How Christian of him.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...