10 WWE Superstars Who Tried Their Hand At A Music Career

1. Chris Jericho

Of all the superstars on this list, Jericho is the closest to having a legitimate second career as a musician. Fozzy, which started out as a joke band/tribute act, eventually blossomed into a legitimate rock band with a tremendous cult following. Under the moniker Mongoose McQueen, Jericho devised the band as pure schtick, in the spirit that wrestlers and serious music careers didn't seem to mesh well. Described by Jericho as the bastard child of Metallica and Journey, his band started filling their albums with original material once they realized how much fans enjoyed their non-covers at the live shows. Because it turns out Fozzy is a pretty talented group capable of writing critically-acclaimed hard rock songs. They've released several albums over the last decade (whenever Jericho has spare time on his hands), most of which have been received very well by critics and fans alike. It doesn't hurt that the band has brought in hard rock heavyweights from Black Label Society, Alter Bridge, Megadeth, and Avenged Sevenfold to contribute guest appearances. It's entirely possible that Fozzy continues making appreciable music well into the next decade. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbrqAFxb4pE

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.