10 WWE Superstars Who Tried Their Hand At A Music Career

9. Sgt. Slaughter

Oh yeah, you thought Macho Man releasing a rap album was funny, huh? (Almost as fun as it is to say the last part of that sentence out loud, I'll bet.) Well feast your brain parts on this notion: Sgt. Slaughter was almost the lead singer of heavy metal band Autograph. Well, according to Sarge, anyways. He's gone on record saying that a record producer wanted him to front the 80s band but turned down the offer. (Just like Hulk Hogan turned down playing bass in Metallica *wink wink*). Despite missing out on being a glam rock god, Slaughter did release an album of his own, Sgt. Slaughter and Camouflage ROCKS AMERICA. And boy, rock did they...never. Less of a rock record than a synth pop atrocity, the album only features Slaughter contributing vocals to a couple of songs. And I do use the word "vocals" lightly. When he's not combatively repeating the Pledge of Allegiance over a keytar, Slaughter pretty much just growls. He doesn't regret making the album and says he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Of course, he also says he was very uncomfortable about the whole thing, so who really knows. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCAw3xs7U7w

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.