10 WWE Superstars Who Will Win Their First Main Roster Title In 2019

7. Ruby Riott

Ruby Riott

Predicted Title(s): Raw Women's.

Meanwhile, Ruby Riott could be doing with breaking away from Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan. Their Riott Squad trio is another in a long line of unimpressive female groups WWE have tried to present in the past few years. This is like Team B.A.D 2.0, and not in a good way (is there a good way?).

The thing is, Ruby has talent. She's a deceptively good worker, and it's a shame that she's undermined by such a childish storyline that does nothing to showcase her skills. In a perfect world, she'd ditch Logan and Morgan, strike out on her own and become a dangerous heel (imagine that?) champion.

One suggestion would be upping Riott's menace and having her brawl her way through some of Raw's best. Then, when she's ready, she can target Ronda Rousey, or whoever is champ by that stage. WWE must start to put plans in place beyond Ronda anyway.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.