10 WWE Superstars Who Will Win Their First Main Roster Title In 2019

5. Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali AJ Styles

Predicted Title(s): United States, Cruiserweight or SmackDown Tag.

There's a bit of a new talent drive going on at the moment, and ex-205 Live man Mustafa Ali is right in the thick of it on SmackDown. Since debuting on Tuesdays in mid-December, he's gone from overlooked Cruiserweight to feuding with WWE Champ Daniel Bryan. That's quite the upgrade.

Will it last? Hmm, who knows? WWE's booking can be so fickle that Ali could be United States Champion by mid-2019 or back on 205 vying for the Cruiser gold as though nothing happened. Those aren't the only spots open to him however. There's another title he could gun for, if he finds a partner.

WWE love putting two singles wrestlers together as a tag-team and giving them a run at the belts. It's not inconceivable that Mustafa could do that, possibly with someone like Cedric Alexander, Buddy Murphy or Tony Nese, assuming any of those are in WWE's plans for a similar call-up.

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