10 WWE Superstars You Only Remember For Their Entrance

9. New Age Outlaws

This is going to be the most controversial entry on the list, given the historical standing of Road Dogg and Billy Gunn after their years with the company. This isn't a knock on them at all. They will forever be in the discussions for Greatest Tag Team Of All-Time. They've had six Tag Team Title reigns together, and competed in an era where the division was extremely loaded. However, if you go back and you think about the Outlaws, you will continue coming back to the opening guitar riff of their entrance music, to Road Dogg's "Oh, you didn't know?!?" spiel, to his entire monologue, and to Billy Gunn's "If you're not down with that..." close to the entrance. Classic matches don't come to mind, and technically, non-intro promos rarely come to mind, either. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18jv9x_new-age-outlaws-entrance-survivor-series-1998_sport Again, this isn't a knock on them and what they accomplished whatsoever. It's actually praising how effective their intro was. Once we heard it for the first time, as wrestling fans, we knew it would be stuck in our heads forever. To this day, you can still probably recite both of their parts, word for word, without even thinking about it. Many wrestlers would kill for something like that attached to their careers.
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Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.