10 WWE Tag Teams Who Tried To Rebrand Themselves
1. Edge & Christian
Like the Acolytes, Edge and Christian were forced into shedding the darker elements of their tag team after the collapse of The Brood in the early 2000s.
From there, the pair performed a complete 180 degree turn, morphing into a pair of hipsters-cum-surfers who wore oversized glasses, impersonated their opponents and used vocabulary such as "awesomeness" (which was perhaps not as likely to come out of the mouth of Gangrel, their former leader).
It was this character tweak that saw Edge and Christian become one of the most popular tandems in WWE history, going onto form perhaps the company's greatest three-way tag team rivalry alongside the Dudleys and Hardyz, which lasted nearly a full year up until WrestleMania X7.
And their singles careers weren't too bad, either.