10 WWE Videos You Didn’t Realise Were Huge Hits On YouTube

6. A Moment On The Lips, A Lifetime Of Hits

View Count: 41,820,000

If big men, battle royals and an Indian fan base doesn't make it viral, dwarfs and titillation will.

The third season of NXT saw the turn of the Rookie 'Divas' battling it out in a series of challenges, just as the male participants did seasons prior. There were two major differences. Firstly, the women were competing for a contract, as opposed to a title shot. Secondly, the Diva's challenges would have less focus of wrestling skills. Instead, Naomi and co. were subject to dance-offs, costume contests and... having to kiss Hornswoggle.

The mind boggles in regards to the amount of views this challenge has (over 41 million), which is in two parts (10 million). The 2nd installment substituting in the 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes. Hornswoggle has had his fair share of tummy tickling moments, as opposed to tongue tickling, but alas this isn't one of them.

It's not just, and I quote, "disgusting", as Michael Cole exclaims, it's a cringey recollection of the old NXT and the days long before the Women's Revolution.

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Actor, Stage Combatant, Writer, Rugger Bugger and Wrestling Fan. Suggestions for articles and quizzes welcome! Follow me on Twitter @joshuaplummeruk