10 WWE Vs NJPW Dream Matches

4. John Cena Vs. Tetsuya Naito

NJPW WWE Tanahashi Cena 2
New Japan Pro Wrestling/WWE

Let's discuss Big Match Johnny and his favourite mantra, and compare it to our good friend, the occasionally unmanageable Tetsuya Naito.

'Hustle'. Naito walks to the ring at the pace of a geriatric and only engages in any sort of activity if and when it suits him.

'Loyalty.' Naito spat in the face of the company that reared him when he went to Mexico and returned with his new found 'ingobernables' gimmick to spite everyone who had ever helped or supported him.

'Respect.' Naito honours the lengthy and prestigious histories of the IWGP Heavyweight and Intercontinental Championships by launching them in the air after he's finished his match, under the belief that some scrub will eventually return it to him because he's that much more important than everyone else.

Naito and his LIJ faction fly in the face of everything Cena's character is built on, so they are the quintissential natural adversaries.


University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.