10 WWE WrestleMania Myths EXPOSED
6. WrestleMania 32 Packed In Even More
The myth:
WrestleMania 32 shattered the attendance record set by SummerSlam 1992WrestleMania III by drawing 101,763 fans to the AT&T Stadium.
The myth exposed:
Vince McMahon simply fell in love with the idea of hosting an event attended by fans in the six figures.
Whether it was complete and total bullsh*t or otherwise (it was complete and total bullsh*t), it had to happen. The blighter had his little heart set on it, and the absolutely enormous modern super-stadium enabled the lie; it hosts 105,000 people with standing room, and McMahon, changing his D to a B because it's more convincing than an A, pulled the fabricated 101,763 number from the wispy hairs of his ass.
Regrettably, since we've never got shot of the f*cker since, Shane McMahon's return to WWE in 2016 allowed for this bold-face lie to appear halfway believable; advances for the show were not great, but his match with the Undertaker sparked sales in the tens of thousands.
McMahon had to reveal the truth in a subsequent conference call with shareholders, explaining that the number didn't cover the paid attendance, in the region of 80,000, but included "ushers and ticket takers and all of that".