10 WWE Wrestlers Buried By Words Alone

6. Billy Gunn

In defence of The Rock - the man behind this incredibly brutal burial from 1999 - it's not like Billy Gunn has ever been all that over with the WWE crowd.

He had a small brush with the main event during his run with D-Generation X, but everybody knows that it was more do with the company he kept than his own ability. After that, there was The Ass Man, and then Billy & Chuck. Enough said.

Still, being on the receiving end of one of The Rock's all-time best put-downs didn't exactly help his cause either. There was really no coming back from being told, in no uncertain terms, that you absolutely suck.

Gunn didn't even get the right of a reply either. Rock simply said his bit, lapped up the applause of the crowd and then left. His opponent might as well have been sitting in the back somewhere with tears streaming down his cheeks.
