10 WWE Wrestlers You Didn't Know Appeared In Movies

6. Big John Studd In Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man

Not many people know about Big John Studd's badass performance in Harley Davidson And The Marlboro Man because hardly anyone saw it when it came out in cinemas and the film bombed. Thanks to DVD, however, it has become something of a minor cult classic. Following in the footsteps of Terry Funk, Studd plays a bar-trawling thug named Jack Daniels. Yes, that is the character's name. Still, he could have been called Jimmy Jiles, Jose Cuervo or Big Indian, like some of the other unfortunate characters in the film. Studd doesn't have to do a great deal but look big, which he was very good at. He does have a decent scene with Mickey Rourke where he throws the future Randy 'The Ram' out of a window through a car and the unleashes an almighty splash that Jimmy Snuka would have been proud of before disappearing halfway through the film. Worth a watch for fans with a high tolerance for late 1980's/early '90s action cheese. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpQQpn89mEs
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Rob Van Dam
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...