10 WWE Wrestlers Who Are Impossible To Care About
A rogues' gallery of heat vacuums.

A professional wrestler can get over in a number of different ways. For the likes of AJ Styles, their popularity stems from the strength of their ring work, and for others, like Hulk Hogan, it's their magnetic charisma and showmanship.
Some do it with their company's full support (Triple H), while others get there in spite of the bookers' actions (Daniel Bryan). Whatever the case, getting over is never easy, and maintaining heat is even harder.
One of the modern WWE product's biggest failings has been its complete inability to establish and sustain stars comparable to those forged in bygone eras. The current roster isn't totally devoid of star power, but wrestlers just aren't getting over like they used to, with much of it down to the performers and the way they've been presented.
The current talent pool is flooded with wrestlers that fans just don't care about, because they haven't been given a reason to do so. It's both the performers' and the company's job to build a level of investment, but they've failed. Badly.
Some of these wrestlers may eventually recover, but for now, their popularity has either stalled, or is stuck on a steep downward trajectory.
10. The Ascension

The Ascension have always been pretty lame.
They were NXT Tag Team Champions for a record 344 days, but this came at a time when the division was woefully underdeveloped, with most of their defences coming through quick squashes. They've got awesome entrance music, but one of the worst looks in the company, and neither is particularly exciting between the ropes.
That being said, WWE have put precisely zero effort into getting them over on the main roster.
Konnor and Viktor were immediately blighted by unfavourable Legion Of Doom comparisons upon arrival, and were then thrust into a lame storyline that saw them beaten down and humiliated by old-timers like the New World Order, Acolytes, and New Age Outlaws. The Ascension's intrigue ended there, and it was impossible to care about them from that moment onward.
They soon became a listless enhancement team, and though the short-lived Cosmic Wasteland group gave them a smidgen of shine in 2015, they've never been given a spotlight. They've been fun additions to the Fashion Files, but unless The Ascension are rebranded (Surf Dudes With Attitudes, please), it's hard to see their popularity problem ever easing.