10 WWE Wrestlers Who Have Never Been WORSE Than Right Now

8. EC3

Mike Kanellis

Another former TNA World Champion who caught eyes in NXT and has completely lost his way following his main roster call-up, EC3's inexplicable promotion to Raw was a part of WWE's panic to salvage tumbling ratings at the end of last year.

Seemingly plucked at random from developmental alongside Heavy Machinery, Lacey Evans, Lars Sullivan, and Nikki Cross, EC3 made quite the impact by defeating a soon to depart Dean Ambrose. However, due to dreaded 50/50 booking and Ambrose's mistreatment by the company meaning he got cheered over the debuting talent, Carter soon fell into obscurity on Monday Night Raw.

Subsequent flirtations with the 24/7 Championship haven't helped his stock, and despite him seemingly being the ideal physical specimen for Vince McMahon, EC3 finds himself neglected and under-utilised. His current mood can be summed up by this gif...


Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.