10 WWE Wrestlers Who Lost Their Mojo
9. Big Show
There's nothing at all premature about Big Show's decline. Actually, if anything, it's kind of remarkable that he managed to go more than two decades in the ring, given how short the shelf-life seems to be for many others his size.
But still: you can't help but notice that Show, however amazing an athlete he may have been in his hey-day, is noticeably slower and less mobile in the ring these days (something that is amplified by the fact that he now shares a roster with Braun Strowman).
The crueller WWE fans among us have even taken to openly calling for the man who once put butts in seats all by himself to retire, and it appears that next year he will at last be taking that advice (so, hopefully you're all proud of yourselves).
Much of this decline in popularity, it must be said, also owes to his character's lack of direction over the last five years. He's switched from face to heel and back to face again more times than we can count - how is anyone supposed to get over like that?