10 WWE Wrestlers Who Should Ask For Their Release

9. The Ascension


The most damning thing you can say about The Ascension - or, rather, the way in which WWE has booked The Ascension - is that they still feel like they belong in NXT, nearly three years after they made their main roster bow.

Prospects, of course, were already pretty slim for them prior to a month ago, but when you chuck in the fact that The Bludgeon Brothers - made up of two far more recognisable stars - are about to step into their spot as SmackDown's weirdest tag team, things begin to look hopeless.

The main drawback of telling Vince McMahon to get stuffed is that it would represent a step into the unknown, both of them being largely homegrown WWE stars without much - and certainly not any recent - experience of working the independent ranks.

Plus: there's no telling whether they'd even be interested in remaining a two-piece should they decide to try and make a go of things in another promotion. They might absolutely hate each other in real life for all we know.

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