10 WWE Wrestlers Who Would Win A Real Fight

5. Mark Henry

Mark Henry Mark Henry is 400+pounds of pure muscle and brute strength. He is as rough as he looks and as fierce as he sounds. He could scare the devil into accepting Jesus and he could lift a bridge to let a ship pass. Mark Henry is not just a brick wall, he's the whole building. And if you challenge him to a fight, may God have mercy on you. While WWE fans have seen him in various different roles over the years, including that of the smiling happy-go-lucky babyface, the fact is that Mark is all man. He has freakish power and a mean streak that shows every time he's pushed. Of all the Superstars in WWE that you would want to step up to, Mark Henry is the one you want to stay away from. Days later, you would still feel him hitting you; that is, if you were awake by then. Henry still holds records in weightlifting that cannot be matched to this day. He was a natural in the world of power lifting, one of the most successful that the sport has ever known. He made it look easy and if that does not intimidate anyone that could potentially want to challenge him outside the ring, then nothing will. Mark Henry would give whole new meaning to the old cartooned cliche "tear you limb from limb." While Big Show has the Knockout Punch as a finisher, it's Mark Henry that could potentially cave a man's face in. He could render some poor soul unrecognizable if the situation called for it. Of course, someone would have to be foolish enough to get in his face to find out. But if you do, be sure to make peace, say your final farewells and have the priest on standby. Go with God.
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Wade Barrett
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