100 Greatest WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever
99. RTC Ivory Won’t Shut Up (2022)

The old Right to Censor gimmick is WWE Marmite. Some fans remember it fondly and loved it, whilst others hated the stable for wrecking The Godfather's run and letting Val Venis wear white trousers instead of the uniform black. What was all that about?! Get with the program, please.
Ahem! Back to Ivory.
She was a standout member in RTC, so it was nice to see the legend return rocking that yapping little puppy act during the women's 2022 Rumble. Ivory pointed out that nothing had really changed in the company since she was last there, then got unceremoniously dumped out by Rhea Ripley whilst still ranting away on the mic. That got a good laugh from the live crowd.
In total, Ivory's comeback lasted no more than 25 seconds. It was 25 secs well spent though - older fans were happy to see the Hall Of Famer, and it made sense that a free spirit who's comfortable in her own skin like Ripley got to eliminate her. Job done. Ivory = the original Vickie Guerrero.