100 Greatest WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever
77. The Unstoppable Force Meets The Immovable Object (1993)

While André the Giant’s health meant plans to do something in-ring with him and Earthquake in 1991 had to be scrapped, ‘Quake would get to face off with another behemoth two years later. That being Mr. Fuji’s Yokozuna.
By the time of the 1993 Royal Rumble, Earthquake had long cemented his reputation as an absolute monster, be that in singles action, tag team bouts, or in Rumble matches. This was someone who it took the combined effort of six men to eliminate from the 1990 Royal Rumble, and who put in a 25-minute shift in the 1991 Rumble before being last-eliminated by eventual winner Hulk Hogan.
With the mammoth Yokozuna on a tear after debuting in October ‘92, Yoko set about making light work of his first Royal Rumble match, eliminating Tatanka and Carlos Colón immediately after entering at the #27 spot. And then, fans salivated as Yokozuna and the then-babyface Earthquake locked eyes, with the two big men getting into it.
Unfortunately for Earthquake, his brief flurry against Yokozuna was cut short and he received a belly-to-belly over the top rope for his trouble. Seeing a giant like Earthquake hit with a belly-to-belly in and of itself was unheard of, let alone as part of a Royal Rumble elimination - which yet again portrayed Yokozuna as a total beast on his way to emerging victorious in that Rumble.