100 Greatest WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever
53. Too Cool’s Mid-Rumble Dance Off (2000)

It's pretty funny that Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay were supposed to be a dorky opposite to the skater-boy cool of The Hardys. That was Vince Russo's plan, at least, but then something magical occurred: Too Cool started to get over with fans, and the thong-wearing, stinkface-giving antics of Rikishi had a lot to do with it.
Audiences loved Hotty, Sexay, and big Kish together. In 2000, they got their Madison Square Garden moment and pressed pause on the Rumble match to get everyone dancing. Jerry Lawler couldn't believe what he was seeing as his son Grandmaster and pals performed a quick dance-off (complete with music) whilst the bout was still in progress.
What a hoot.
MSG jived along with the trio before Rikishi eliminated both of his Too Cool cohorts. It was all fair in love and war - Scotty and Sexay decided to forgive their partner, and the act continued without splitting until closer to the end of the year when Kish became a "Bad Man".