11 AWFUL Members Of Iconic Wrestling Stables

1. The Creepers (The Dark Order)

Edge Judgment Day
Twitter (@AEWrestling)

Oh, boy.

Before the terrific Brodie Lee arrived to transform the silly faction into an entertaining force to be feared, The Dark Order were in a bad way on AEW programming.

And it was mostly down to the fact the unit had one of the strangest debuts imaginable.

Perching on a bunch of masked humans known as the creepers, Evil Uno and Stu Grayson looked anything but menacing in the wake of battering the Best Friends and Angelico & Jack Evans at Double or Nothing 2019.

But the worst was yet to come.

Taking centre stage in what ultimately went down in history as the worst ending in Dynamite history on December 18, 2019, those same stupid creepers swarmed the ring as The Dark Order looked to make a statement by battering The Elite and more.

If that statement was "we are here to make your eyes roll at the worst worked punches in wrestling history!", then mission accomplished.

Thankfully, the immediately lame creepers ultimately disappeared as the late, great Brodie Lee helped salvage the seemingly doomed faction, turning this absolute AEW trash into a treasure of a unit who helped create some of the company's undisputed highlights.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...